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What are the different credit score ranges used by MyPDCU Credit Score & Score Simulator, and how are they categorized?

Why Do Credit Scores Differ?

Three major credit reporting bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and Transunion—and two scoring models—FICO or VantageScore—determine credit scores. Financial institutions use different bureaus and scoring models. Over 200 factors of a credit report may...

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How Often Are Credit Scores Updated?

Scores are updated and displayed in digital banking every seven days. People Driven Credit Union members can refresh their score and full report every 24 hours by clicking “Refresh Score” and navigating to the detailed Credit Score Dashboard within...

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What is the Score Simulator Tool?

MyPDCU Score Simulator is an interactive tool that allows People Driven Credit Union members to see how hypothetical actions may affect their credit score, including paying off a credit card balance or applying for a loan. For example, when checking...

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What is the MyPDCU Credit Report?

MyPDCU Credit Report provides People Driven Credit Union members with all the information they would find on a credit file, including a list of current or previous loans, accounts, and credit inquiries. Members can see details on their payment history,...

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What is MyPDCU Credit Score?

MyPDCU Credit Score is a comprehensive platform that provides Members free and ongoing access to their latest credit scores and reports, real-time credit monitoring, and savings opportunities on existing and new loans and credit cards – all through...

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